Those who have been following the wellness trends should come as no surprise that there’s a new way to consumer CBD. After all, CBD products have made their way into all kinds of other areas (from CBD oil to CBD tinctures and gummies in every flavor under the sun), so why not a new CBD product for the cannabidiol enthusiasts among us?
The new kid on the block is CBD water, and it’s a popular beverage that’s changing how we think both about water products and CBD products—all in one fell swoop. Considering that water has been a pretty static industry for a while, that’s an impressive claim. CBD (cannabidiol) is a cannabinoid derived from a healthy plant, and it’s been claiming plenty of benefits for the last few years. Since the 2018 Farm Bill allowed vendors to include CBD on their list of ingredients (as long as the CBD product didn’t have a significant amount of psychoactive THC in it), retailers have been using CBD to help people with anxiety, chronic pain, insomnia, and more. As with any supplement, it’s a good idea to talk to a doctor about the dosage, potency, and possible side effects before taking CBD for the first time. That said, if you’re interested in the world of CBD, CBD water is a great entry point. Let’s look at three reasons why a can or bottle of CBD water in your favorite flavor may be the wellness boost you never knew you needed.
1. CBD water helps you hydrate and relax at the same time.
Humans need water to live well, and most people don’t get enough of it to really be healthy. Most adults in the United States don’t drink enough, even though not drinking water will exacerbate (and perhaps even cause) a host of medical conditions. If you’re one of these U.S. adults who needs a hydration app to remind them it’s time to grab some water, it might help if you jazzed up the experience a bit.
CBD water comes in regular water flavor but also in plenty of other flavor options. Plus, you can buy water products from trusted retailers like Labrador in bulk, so you’ll never run out. Labrador spring water is free of heavy metals and other contaminants, which is more than you can probably say for your tap water. The company offers different bottle sizes, depending on your process.
2. CBD water may help you with chronic pain relief.
One of the great pros of CBD is that it reportedly helps people with chronic pain they’ve been living with for years. You can manage headaches, gut and digestion issues, and more with the help of CBD—it’s kind of magical. The FDA actually even approved a medication to treat seizures that are based on CBD. If you live with any of these conditions, you know how debilitating it can be, and it’s clear to you how adding CBD to your daily regimen can change your life. CBD water is an easy way to accomplish that, but there are other CBD brands and CBD product options (CBD oil or cream, for example) that you can try if CBD water doesn’t speak to you as well. Read CBD brand reviews to learn about purity levels, whether the hemp was grown with pesticides, and all the other pros and cons you should know about. CBD reviews will also have information about where in the United States the hemp was grown and how many milligrams of THC the CBD you’re considering has in it.
3. CBD water allows you to say goodbye to inflammation.
Inflammation is a common ailment among U.S. adults and young people alike, and it’s surprising how few options people who struggle with it have. The market today has plenty of CBD companies that are providing the highest quality CBD and hemp products. If you really love gummies, you can buy CBD gummies, but a better option may be CBD water. The bottle can list exactly how many milligrams of CBD are in the CBD water you’re drinking, so you don’t need to fiddle with a dropper on a bottle of CBD oil or figure out how many gummies equal the correct dosage. CBD oil has its place, but CBD water is often an easier and more user-friendly option for people who are mustering all their strength to get through another day with their inflammation.
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