When your kids are at your home, you can supervise them to whatever extent you want or need. But as soon as your kids leave the house without you, you have to trust that what you’ve taught them when they were in your home will help to keep them safe while they’re away.
To ensure that you’ve taught your children all they need to keep themselves safe in all types of situations in which they’ll find themselves throughout their young lives, here are three of the things that you should teach your kids about staying safe when they’re at someone else’s home so they don’t get hurt on their property or otherwise taken advantage of.
Set Clear Rules About Guns
Because kids are naturally curious, it’s important that you set certain rules about safety that will help to ensure that your kids don’t get too curious about the wrong things and wind up hurting themselves. These types of boundaries are especially important when it comes to things like weapons.
According to AhaParenting.com, one rule you might want to teach or instill in your children is to never be in the same room with a gun. Whether that gun is loaded or not, if your kids know that they’re not allowed to be around guns or people who are holding guns, they’ll be able to avoid a lot of potential for harm or danger to themselves or others.
Good Touch And Bad Touch
One of the scariest threats to your child is physical or sexual abuse. To teach your kids how to avoid and identify this type of behavior, SafeHome.org advises that you teach your kids about good touches and bad touches. While there is some amount of physical contact that’s going to be okay, if anyone tries to touch your kids in their private areas or make secrets about their bodies, you should inform your kids about how to react in these situations.
The best thing to teach them about this is to scream and yell if someone tries to touch them in a way they don’t like. And if something they don’t like does happen, make sure your kids know that they can and should come to you with this information.
Safe Media
Different families have different ideas about what media is appropriate for their kids. So if you have strict guidelines about what you want your kids to watch or play, it’s vital that you teach your kids how to say “no” to something they shouldn’t see or play.
To better protect your kids in this way, Katherine Lee, a contributor to Very Well Family, advises that you speak with the parents of the house your child will be at to help your kids adhere to the rules you’ve set out for them.
If you allow your kids to spend time at their friends’ houses, consider using the tips mentioned above to teach them how to keep themselves safe while there.
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