A fresh coat of paint can change an entire room to feel updated, fresh, and clean. Maybe it’s time for your house to get an update in a few rooms or you need the entire interior redone. A lot of people choose to do it themselves to save money because it does not seem so difficult when you see professionals do it. Unfortunately, the average person is not going to do as good of a job as professionals do, even those who are just starting out with their own painting business. This is especially true when it comes to taping correctly and getting all of the nooks and crannies. It can also be a pretty physically demanding job if you have any sort of high ceilings or weird walls that require ladders and other materials to get to.
For these reasons, you may be considering hiring a painting contractor to get a professional paint job that requires way less effort on your part. You do not want to go hiring just anyone though because if you are going to pay, you want the job done in the best way it can be done. When looking for the right painting business, there are five important things to look for.
1. What type of painter are you looking for?
You must be aware of the paint job you need to be done and all that goes into that job. This way you can be sure you find the right contractor who can do what you want. Do you want someone working for a smaller company or a larger and well-known company? Do you want someone with specialized skills who can do patterns or designs? This is important to keep in mind while hiring someone because you do not want to end up with someone who cannot do the job you want!
2. References or past work
You should ask for references if you did not find the contractor through word-of-mouth or previous clients. You want to be sure you are getting someone who will provide quality work and seeing proof of that is the best way to know. If they do not want to provide any references then that is a major red flag and you will be better off with a different contractor.
3. Expertise and ability
How long has this person been painting houses? Would you be getting your money’s worth out of this contractor? These are important questions that you can find answers to when they come and give you an estimate. You want to make sure that the person knows what they are talking about and it will be a quick and easy job. This can be done by getting estimates from a few different contractors and comparing them to see what the average price and timeline seems to be.
4. How will the price be calculated?
When they come for an estimate, you will also be able to find out how much the job will cost and what goes into that calculation. Many estimations are going to be based on square footage, how much time it will take, and if there are extra steps they need to include to have a good paint job. This can include prepping the walls, fixing any holes, sanding, and cleaning up afterward if it’s a bigger job.
5. What will be included in the job
You also need to check what they include in the job and pricing that others may charge extra for. For example, are they going to be bringing their supplies or will you have to provide that for them? Will they cover any furniture for you and do extra coats of paint? These are all important questions to ask because you might end up paying too much for someone who is going to make you do a lot more work than you want to.
Hiring a painting contractor can seem like a daunting task because you can never truly know what you are getting into. With these steps, however, you can get a much clever picture of how the job is going to go and how satisfied you will be with the outcome!
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