Animals have their own personalities.
Once you have learned your cat’s personality, it might be worrisome when it starts exhibiting what could be termed as weird or strange behaviors.
While it’s difficult to highlight all of them, here are the more common ones and how to manage them.
1. Chewing on Plastic and Other Items
If your cat is constantly chewing on dirt, plastic, carpeting, shoes, woolen blankets, jug rings and other weird non-food items, it might have a condition known as pica.
Just like humans, cats can develop pica for medical reasons such as gastrointestinal disorders and psychological ones like anxiety. While humans may twirl their hair or bite their nails, cats can chew on odd items to manage their anxiety.
The first step when you notice this should be booking an appointment with a veterinarian. You can also proactively prevent feline anxiety by having a safe room for new kittens. This should be complete with a cat litter pail.
2. Chattering at Birds
You might spot your bird emitting clicking sounds at birds. This is often characterized by a rapid jaw movement. It’s often thought that it’s a Pavlovian instinct that allows cats to practice and prepare themselves for killing prey.
This chattering can also be out of frustration at being unable to pounce at the birds-seen as prey-outdoors.
You can help your cat practice its killer instincts by throwing a ball at it or playing a game where you set something for it to catch then withdraw it.
2. Head-Butting
It can be strange whenever your cat begins head-butting a part of your body. This is generally nothing to worry about.
Cats do this to share some of their pheromones with you. It’s also a greeting or an invitation to bond.
You will often notice that by giving your feline some attention, rubbing its head, cuddling it, or playing with it, the need to head butt reduces.
3. Bringing you Unpleasant Presents
When kittens are with their mother, the mother brings home the days catch for their young ones to feed on. In your kitten’s mind, catching something is good; bringing it to you is even better.
Do not be surprised if your cat brings all types of insects and lands them proudly at your feet. To the cat, this is a sign of affection. It’s essentially being thoughtful and bringing you back something to feed on.
The more amused you are when this happens, the more you will be reinforcing this behavior. You shouldn’t punish your cat for doing what it’s instinctively created to do.
However, you can avoid being overly excitable about it. If the habit particularly bothers you, you can also limit its outdoor time or have a bell on it to prevent it from catching prey or
It’s important to know that some strange behaviors are normal and those that are not are often always resolvable.
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