Many factors go into deciding on a pet. From your lifestyle to the funds you have available, you want to find the perfect pet for you and your family. Chances are, you won’t pay particular attention to your zodiac sign as one of these factors. Nevertheless, it can play a part in your decision-making process. Whether you’re a Leo, someone on the Cancer Leo cusp, or another sun sign entirely, your astrological sign can help determine the best pet for you. Leos, in particular, may find one of these four types of pets to be an ideal fit.
Few people can take on the challenge of a pet lion, but a smaller domestic cat makes for a much more accessible option. Consider bringing home a rescue pet or kitten and have a companion with all the strength and presence of your bright fire sign.
Browse CardboardCatHomes to create a cat house within your home and make sure your new furry friend feels at home when they arrive. A cardboard cat house is a great choice because it’s a budget-friendly alternative to a traditional cat condo. If your new kitten uses the cardboard as a scratching post or their nerves get the best of them and that cardboard acts as litter, you can replace it without too much of an extra expense. Still, it’s a bit nicer of an option for your new feline than a simple cardboard box.
While you likely won’t find these birds at your local shelter, a parrot and their signature charisma is an ideal pet for Leos. While it’s a less common choice of a pet than, say, a kitten, astrology doesn’t lie—a parrot is a perfect pet for the eternal performance that is your dramatic personality. From when you first become a pet owner to the first time your parrot tries to speak, your connection with a feathered friend will rival any pet owner’s bond.
The zodiac won’t outright suggest you adopt a tarantula, but the pairing is undeniably one that’s destined to be. Spiders will stand out from the crowd, an instant bonus to Leos’ desire to be the center of attention. At the same time, this pet will balance out Leos’ boldness with their characteristic shyness. You might not reenact your very own version of Charlotte’s Web, but you can bond with your very own “some spider.”
If a spider isn’t a good fit, there may be an even more unique animal that is. From a capuchin to a sugar glider, there’s a long list of exotic pet options—and any of these might be right for you. Just ensure that you’re thoroughly aware of what goes into caring for your exotic pet and that the exotic you’re considering is legally allowed as a pet within your portion of the United States. This will be an especially good fit for those on the Cancer-Leo cusp, as their proximity to Cancer offers an increased sense of duty and responsibility. Plus, you’d be hard-pressed to find a more unique option!
An Aries, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Aquarius, Gemini, Libra, Virgo, Capricorn, or other sign of the zodiac will find that a particular pet or list of pets is written in the stars. For Leos, especially, they’ll do best with a few great fits, namely a feline friend, feathered fellow, eight-legged arachnid, or less common types of pets like a monkey, axolotl, or fennec fox. Of course, with any of these animals, you must consider other factors, like if you’ll find your ideal pet at the nearby shelter, whether any local veterinarians can care for your new companion, and whether your lifestyle is conducive to the care a particular species or breed needs. However, by using the zodiac to find a good fit, you’ll know that a certain pet is compatible with some of your most prominent personality traits.
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