You may think that there are obvious differences between ADHD and OCD, but the challenging thing is that they can present similarly in children, which makes it harder to diagnose and treat the problem. In general, a kid with ADHD is impulsive and easily distracted, while a child with OCD has a need that their environment and homework be just right.
The thing is that the way these things show up can mimic both disorders, and some children have a combination of both. Having a better understanding of the symptoms and motivations of each one helps to determine the best treatment plan, such as Brillia for kids.
What is ADHD?
ADHD is a chronic condition that often starts in childhood and can continue with ADHD symptoms in women and men. Symptoms may lessen as someone gets older, which means that it is easier to diagnose in children. Common signs and symptoms include:
- Fidgeting and difficulty sitting for long periods of time
- Talking a lot
- Difficulty paying attention
- Difficulty completing a task
- Easily distracted
- Avoidance of tasks that require mental focus
A child may present with more inattentive symptoms, hyperactive symptoms, or a combination.
Spotting the Signs Going Back-to-School
School is a good place to recognize signs of both ADHD and OCD. Teachers may notice that a child has trouble paying attention, staying still, finishing homework, blurting out answers in class, or interrupting others during an activity. These are classic signs of ADHD.
For children who may be struggling with OCD, teachers and parents may notice that a child is obsessed with germs, is preoccupied with exactness and order, is too worried about detail, worries excessively, or has repeated doubts.
Both children with ADHD and those with OCD have difficulty finishing tasks. Those with ADHD are usually too distracted and are unable to focus long enough to complete something, while kids with OCD are so focused on something and on things being perfect that they become overloaded.
Prioritizing is also a problem for children with either disorder, especially when it comes to note-taking. Those with ADHD struggle with keeping up with the lecture and have working memory problems. Children with OCD feel the need to take down everything because they want the notes to be complete. Poor note-taking skills often has a negative effect on homework and test results.
Treatment Options
There is no cure for either disorder, but there are certain methods that reduce symptoms and help the child cope. Therapy is often combined with medication. The types of therapies may include behavior, family, and psychological. Parenting and social skills training may also be beneficial.
Stimulants are often prescribed for ADHD, while selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are common for those with OCD. Unfortunately, these meds all come with side effects and can have long-term effects. As an alternative, there are homeopathic medications that help with symptom management. The good news about Brillia side effects is that there are no harmful ones because the meds target only on the protein that causes the symptoms and leaves the other bodily functions and symptoms alone.
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